
writing script Oh, no! It's Noah! Happy Mac


Here is some of the music I've made! Some of the projects I'm associated with but have nothing to link are:

trynottobloweverythingupthenkillyourselfchallenge (2024 - )

t.n.t.b.e.u.t.k.y.c. started as a solo noise/midigrind vent project. Now it's sorta a band, with some help here and there, but it's usually just me and my laptop.

Cake Fight in the Parking Lot (2024 - )

Cake Fight is a MySpace metalcore and post-hardcoreproject between me and my friend Rudy.

A Golden Edged Blade (2023 - 2024)

A Golden Edged Blade was a screamo project between me and some people. We just yelled and whined. Looking back, am not super proud of this work.

Fuzzy Notebook (2023 - 2023)

Fuzzy Notebook was an experimental music project between me and a few friends! You can find our soundcloud here

fuzzy notebook ยท fuzzy notebook [S/T]

Maddie is Real (2022 - )

Maddie is Real is an experimental drone/noise music project of mine!! You can check out the bandcamp here!!
You can listen to the "jesus" trilogy here:

lunascaresme (2022 - 2022)

My first somewhat serious recording project. Lots of weird ambient lofi emo stuff. Don't listen, it's rough lol. This was more or less just dipping my toes into music in general, minus previous undocumented experiments and what not.